Project Engineer Praha

  • Místo pracoviště: Praha
  • Zadavatel: ManpowerGroup s.r.o.
  • Odpovědná osoba: Michaela Fečková
ID: 1903142 Aktualizováno před týdnem

Pracovní náplň

Planning, managing, and coordinating technical projects, while effectively addressing any technical issues that may arise throughout the course of the project.
Maintaining continuous contact with clients and subcontractors to ensure the highest quality of project execution and effectively address their requirements and expectations.
Preparing and managing project documentation, including its development and ensuring technical accuracy in compliance with all standards and requirements.
Ensuring the quality of the project during its execution and all tasks according to established standards and requirements.
Monitoring and controlling project schedules and budgets to ensure the project runs smoothly and within the established time and financial limits.


Become a key person who brings innovative and effective solutions in the field of mechanical engineering. As a project engineer, you will have the opportunity to work with the latest technologies and renowned global brands. You can expect an environment full of challenges, where you will have the space to approach real client problems with a creative mindset.

Experience in the field of mechanical engineering, which has provided you with a solid foundation for addressing technical challenges in this area.
Knowledge of the role as project engineer because you enjoy this position and understand what it entails: project management, team coordination, and ensuring successful project completion from start to finish.
English and Czech are completely natural for you, enabling effective communication in an international environment with foreign suppliers and clients.
The ability to seek unconventional solutions, which is a great advantage when facing technical challenges that require an innovative approach and flexibility.
In terms of technical tools, you are proficient in AutoCAD, which you use for creating and modifying project documentation.
Additionally, you have no problem with traveling and hold a driver's license, which provides you with flexibility when managing projects at various locations.
Capability to enjoy the continuing education and keeping up with new trends in your field to stay current with the latest technological and methodological approaches.


Stable environment in a successful company with offices in Benešov
Long-term employment contract
Continuous learning and support
Flexible working hours
Vacation time

Kontakt - zadavatel pozice

ManpowerGroup s.r.o.

Odpovědná osoba: Michaela Fečková Telefon: klikněte pro zobrazení Zadavatele nabídky nelze kontaktovat pomocí telefonu,
prosím použijte kontaktní formulář.

Na Florenci 2116/15
Praha 1
110 00

ManpowerGroup s.r.o.
Manuvia a.s. organizační složka

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